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Qualität von Ocean-Shores-DVDs?

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Qualität von Ocean-Shores-DVDs?

Beitragvon Cosmotic am Mi, 06.09.2000, 14:57


Kann mir irgend jemand etwas zur Qualität der DVDs von Ocean Shores erzählen, speziell zu "Sleepless Town"? Bild, Ton, Extras, Untertitel (Position)?

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi, 06.09.2000, 1:01
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Qualität von Ocean-Shores-DVDs?

Beitragvon Jost am Do, 07.09.2000, 14:17


ich selber habe keine von Ocean Shores, aber folgendes gefunden:

Ocean Shores
Location: Hong Kong
Type: Asian Manufacturer
Summary: Basicly the most annoying video company in Hong Kong. Many of the films they own are low grade junk, although they do own several good films, which makes their treatment of them all the more apalling. Probably 80% of the newer HK films they own have theater subtitles, but nearly all of the older kung-fu ones are either poorly English dubbed or untranslated. Unlike most other Hong Kong video companies, Ocean Shores nearly always pan&scans everything, or actually, they just point the camera at the middle of the picture, cutting off both sides, including the subtitles. Plus sometimes they zoom in so much that the lower line of English subtitles is completely cut off! They also super-impose their logo over the corner of the picture (including subtitles) at least twice during the film. And to top it off, their LDs usually have the Mandarin soundtrack on the digital channels and the Cantonese on the analog, which is the opposite of every other manufacturer in HK. Notable films that they unfortunately released include a lot of old Shaw Brothers films, some Wong Kar Wai movies, and Fire Dragon (whuch is surprisingly letterboxed!). They do a lot of films by the D&B film company, and cheezy Cat III Horror.
LD: Technically well manufactured copies of the badly done film transfers described above Bild They all include one trailer after a "next release" screen which follows the film
DVD: Same as the LDs, but no trailers (and no DVD extras). Early releases were packaged in jewel cases in cardboard boxes, but newer ones are in thick keepcases which are often fluorescent green.
VCD: The only one I've seen looks pretty bad, but not badly artifacted
VHS: I think they make both NTSC and PAL tapes. Same crappy P&S work as the LDs and DVDs, but most of the Ocean Shores tapes I've seen are old no-name kung-fu movies, although a few are great.
und ein kleiner Absatz speziell zu "Sleepless Town":
Just watched this on Sunday. I agree, Takeshi was just fabulous. He just keeps getting better and better in his dramatic roles. (And let't not get into the wonderful, deep voice of his!). It is a slow movie in parts, but my problem was with the confuzzled plot. Perhaps I wasn't paying as much attention to it as I should have, but I found myself going back and rewatching some scenes just to get the names and schemes right. Otherwise, I did like the noir-ish feel and was pleased with the score. The English subs on the DVD needed quite a bit of help, though. They would start a sentence, then repeat a word or two on the next line of subs. Got annoying after a while.

All in all, not bad to see...

Vielleicht hilfts dir!


The Invincible Shaolin
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Registriert: Fr, 21.07.2000, 20:14
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Qualität von Ocean-Shores-DVDs?

Beitragvon Cosmotic am Do, 07.09.2000, 14:38

Danke. Wo hast Du das her? Hongkong Films on DVD?

Hört sich ja nicht gerade berauschend an... Bild
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi, 06.09.2000, 1:01
Feedback: 0|0|0

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