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Umfrage zum Thema Südindische Filme

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Umfrage zum Thema Südindische Filme

Beitragvon Dragon12 am Mi, 14.04.2010, 14:33

Allu Sirish von der Zeitung South Scope und Geetha Arts

hat eine Umfrage zum Thema Südindische Filme auf Englisch entworfen und bitte um rege Mitarbeit.


Hi! I created this page to “talk” to all the non-Indian movie goers who watch Telugu films. Honestly, when I heard from you guys on Twitter, I was blown away. I am really curious on how you discovered South Indian cinema, what you like about them and how to reach you better.

Kind note to Indian viewers : At the risk of sounding rude, this is only for people who are NOT of Indian origin. Please do not fill in that case. If you know anyone, please feel free to share this link with them.


" Do not despise the snake for having no horns,
for who is to say it will not become a dragon ? "

Asia Maniac
Beiträge: 1457
Registriert: Mo, 25.02.2002, 2:01
Wohnort: Wien
Filme bewertet: 1
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